In the following article we will guide you on how to activate or deactivate a category in the course catalog.


In this section you can enable or disable categories within a course catalog. To do so, follow the path USER>>> MY COMPANY>>> MODULES>>> COURSE CATALOG

CATALOG OF COURSES, here you can see the list of carousels that the platform includes by default. (Carousels are an online view of courses that are open to all employees. It will be displayed at the top of their view). 

The fixed carousels are "Continue Watching," "Required Courses," and "New Releases." These carousels will be activated based on the activity of the user who is viewing the platform. 

The carousels created may be of type "Categories and Subcategories", "Learning Programs", or "Manual Courses". These carousels will be visible as long as they have courses open and available to employees. 

You can enable or disable the carousel display, edit the position of the course within the carousel, delete a carousel, or create a new one.

CREATE NEW CAROUSEL, when you access this section you will have to assign a name to the carousel and indicate what type it will be (Categories and Subcategories, Learning Programs, Manual Courses).

For manual category (see image). 

For LEARNING PROGRAMS, the programs must be previously created in order to be eligible to create the carousel (see image).

It is important to SAVE CHANGES in order to see them on the platform.

Remember, if you need assistance or have any questions you can contact us through our chat or email. We are happy to help you!