In the following article we will guide you on how to access Security from the general menu


In this section you can configure the SECURITY of the environment. For this, you may follow the path USER>> SECURITY (see images)

NOTE: Some of these features will only be applicable in environments that have URL access

in the AUTHENTICATION section, you can enable or disable the login and user registration options, according to the customer's preferences.

It is important to SAVE CHANGES  in order to see them on the platform.

in the REGISTRATION FORM section, you will be able to generate a form for employees to register or update their data . It will also allow you to configure the data or questions that the form will have. (See images.)

NOTE: Some of these features will only be applicable in environments that have URL access

It is important to SAVE CHANGES in order to see them on the platform.

In the MANAGEMENT section, you will be able to activate or deactivate the option to see the inactive users (see image).

It is very important that once the selection has been made, you click save in order to see the changes on the platform.

Remember, if you need assistance or have any questions you can contact us through our chat or email. We are happy to help you!